Monday, December 3, 2007

Project:: Open House

Project: Build off a past project and create a work to display at the Intermedia Undergraduate Open House.

My Project and Documentation:

Awareness: An Appreciation and Cultivation of our Five Senses.

My first year of studying art was spent at the University of Northern Iowa. There I was greatly inspired by a drawing teacher who went by Frje (pronounced like “fur g”). In every class, he spoke of awareness. He constantly encouraged us to be aware of the moment. The environment of the moment, and how it affected us was all we needed to know to create art.

He encouraged us to ask questions such as: what’s going on in front of you, behind you, above you, and below you? How does something feel? How does something smell? How does it taste, sound, look? And what does all of this mean to you? What does it remind you of, what does it make you think of?

Recently I finished a project where I created a magazine much like Adbusters, but along with the magazine, I wrote a sort of manifesto, to try to figure how I see myself. It’s something so essential to being an artist, but something I think a lot of us forget about as students with constant stress, concerns, and due dates. In writing the manifesto, Frje’s theory came to mind. It was then that I realized how much that had become a part of me in nearly everything I do.

Therefore, for this project, I decided to do something that would give thanks to the impact Frje’s teachings had on me. Cultivate my awareness. For five days, I went on my daily activities constantly reminding myself to keep an open mind and eye to my surroundings. Each day I reflected on something that influenced each of my five senses. I tried not to limit myself in the reflection, often going in tangents and allowing my memories and connections take hold.

I invite you to record things that have influenced your senses. Use the journal I have provided to record what you have experienced in your own awareness today.

Thank You.

Amanda Hudson



Taste (Cereal and Banana Smoothie)

There’s something about cereal. No matter your age or taste preference, there is a cereal for you. Cereal always makes me nostalgic, remembering the days of captain crunch and how I always ate it despite the fact that it shredded the roof of my mouth. Crunchy, and slightly sweet, cereal is wonderful. I like to eat my cereal dry with something to drink on the side so the crunch factor is maintained. Coconut Banana smoothie is the perfect pair. Creamy and smooth balances the crunchy. I’ve grown quite fond of smoothies. They are a filling breakfast, yet a satisfying sweet treat. It may not be the most substantial and nutritious dinner, but its quite satisfying.

See (Weight loss pills article)

Although I have a problem with America’s media and new sources, I often rely on websites like CNN, MSNBC, and NPR to keep me up on general current events. Today an article addressing weight loss pills stuck me. Normally this kind of news doesn’t catch my eye; however, I recently completed a project addressing overuse of pharmaceuticals including weight loss pills so the article seemed relevant. My first response was to laugh. Basically, the article is stating that weight loss pills are only taking 5-15 pounds off, while risking the serious side effects. It scares me that obesity is now labeled an “epidemic” but the first solution American seems to turn to is it beloved pharmaceutical companies. It seems obvious to me that we need to focus on different solutions. The only people who should really consider resorting to weight loss pills are overweight to the point where shedding 5-10 pounds is good, but not good enough. Promotion of healthy living has increased, but not as much as promotion of weight loss pills. It’s encouraging to read a doctor being quoted “Drugs are not the magic cure and are not for everybody”. But it would be more encouraging to hear him follow that with ‘they should be used as a last resort. And simple changes in lifestyle and health should be the first step to the problem with obesity’. Perhaps I’m ignorant because I’m not one who struggles with this disease, but I feel that this just shows us a glimpse into a much larger problem. Which is people believing and overusing medication that is simply not needed for problems that could be fixed by smaller changes in ones lifestyle.

Hear (Tegan and Sara – The Con)

This one of those songs I leave on repeat when I walk around downtown. I feel my feet stomp to the beat, my steps speed up, and I have to refrain from singing out loud and throwing my arms around. The affect it has on my bodies’ movement is incredible. Something about it makes me feel larger than life. The song transforms me and I can tell by the looks I get as I walk and listen. I feel strong, full of emotion, and almost carefree. Although the lyrics don’t affect me as much as the melody, they are quite good. Desiring pity, feeling guilt, feeling betrayal are all strong emotions I feel are conveyed. But I love how it always comes back to “encircle me, I need to be taken down.” Encircle me is a great way of conveying hug me/accept me/take me in. As for the ‘I need to be taken down’, perhaps she feels she needs to be stopped from doing things she will regret, or she needs to be consoled and relieved of her emotion. I can’t say I know exactly what it’s about, although I’m drawn to the idea that it’s about cheating in a relationship; either doing the cheating or being cheated on. Not the most original thing to comment on in a song, I think Tegan and Sara find their own way of addressing it through their creative lyrics and melody.

Smell (Bleach)

I have a tendency to over clean once I begin cleaning. This morning I spent two hours cleaning my already fairly well kept apartment. Bleach is a clean freaks best friend. Bleach to clean my kitchen counters. Bleach to wipe down the bathroom sink and toilet. Bleach soaked rag to dust nearly every surface. Now when you walk in my apartment you smell bleach. It smells very sanitary and of chlorine, without smelling like a hospital. It reminds me of my mom, mainly because she cleaned a lot as well, always using bleach. I love how smells always trigger some sort of memory. Most people hate the smell, but I love it. Perhaps that’s because I do associate with memories of my mom, which always brings a smile to my face. Or maybe its because it makes me think “clean” and because I seem to have some sort of obsession with cleanliness its comforting. It makes me feel like I can relax because I know the place is clean and there is not something that I could/should be doing, and I can focus on other things other than making sure my environment is clean. I guess that OCD for you. I can only laugh at that ridiculous logic.

Feel (Weather)

I had planned to respond to objects, but today’s weather was to amazing to not respond to how it felt. 60 degrees and its less than a week away from Thanksgiving. I looked out the window, and saw a cloudy gray day. I put a jacket on preparing myself for a brisk cold. I was quite taken back but ecstatic that I have to run back up the stairs and put on a light long sleeve shirt. As a born and raised Iowan, I know to take full advantage of this lovely day because tomorrow could be the complete opposite. Even into the night, I can walk around downtown and be comfortable. This weather makes it so easy to enjoy the present moment. A strong appreciation for everything that is going on around me, even familiar scenes have something special about them. This weather encourages me to look around as walk from point A to point B and admire everything in every direction. Complete and total satisfaction in this moment, I wouldn’t have it any other way. These are the moments I hope to have everyday. The moments that I look forward to and make the crappy days worth going through.


Taste (Sumi coleslaw, Ciabatta roll)

I’ve recently given up grocery shopping. I tend to only waste food when I buy it. For the past month, I have bought individual meals for lunch and dinner at the new pioneer co-op. A small container of a deli item and a roll is quite satisfying. Sumi coleslaw is one of my favorites. Healthier than the usual, as there is no mayo, and is olive oil and vinegar based. The bread at the co-op is always amazing and fresh. The crunch of the coleslaw and the soft-pillow roll go well together. I think in the end I may be spending more money by picking up this habit; however, I definitely don’t waste much food and tend to eat much healthier.

Smell (Ocean Candle)

I never really light candles much simply because I never think of it. I have plenty of candles lying around but am always to consumed with other things to think of lighting and relaxing with candles. Tonight I decided to relax and enjoy my break with candles. The glow of candles is quite relaxing but I also have a particular candle who’s scent is very relaxing. The ocean candle reminds me of the candles that were in a condominium I stayed at in Florida. My family rented the condominium for two weeks every summer. I suppose they wanted to echo is location when they chose their ocean-like, clean scented candles. I need to remind myself to light candles more often; I’ve forgotten the serene atmosphere they create. Candles provide a great mood that when paired with silence, encourages reflection, conversation (inner or conversation with others). Perhaps for others they set different moods but nonetheless; candles are bound to lead to wonderful moments.

Feel (Corduroy of blanket)

Corduroy is a unique fabric to have as a comforter. However, I quite like it. Its warm, its soft, and it has an interesting texture to entertain my fingers while I try to fall asleep. I don’t think fabrics are given enough credit. They can make or break your day. For instance, the soft cotton t-shirt will leave you at ease. The itchy wool sweater can make you frantic itching with an undershirt.

Hear (Peter, Bjorn and John – Young Folks)

Something I really like about this song is the how it’s written to sound like a conversation. Very few songs can perfect it. I can imagine it would be difficult to write lyrics and make them flow as a song, yet read as a conversation. Not to mention applying them to an entertaining melody. The whistles at the very beginning get me. The second I hear those I want to listen to the whole song, not cutting a second short. The voices are great on their on, but even more beautiful when together in chorus. The bongo-like drums are easy to overlook during the chorus, but should definitely be credited. Sometimes I wish I had a way of muting voices of songs so I could focus on the instruments alone, and vice versa.

See (Stem cell article)
I find this very interesting. The past few years this has been an issue in politics, and now I wonder how the issue will change. I don’t think it will simply disappear. What will be the new argument against it? Beyond this sense of curiosity, I’m also very excited. I’m interested in biological sciences and scientific advancements in general. I like thinking about what the world will be like when I’m fifty. I see this as something that will have a large part in a change that I do see when I’m fifty.


Taste (Falafel)

I really enjoy cooking. Something about taking time from my day to cook a warm meal while listening to music and letting my thoughts go is quite peaceful. Tonight I bought falafel mix from the co-op’s bulk section. Simply add water and fry! I’m not a fan of heating a big pot of oil and deep frying things, so for my falafel I make patties a lightly brown each side in frying pan. I’ve thought about trying to make my own falafel but I don’t have enough time right now. Maybe this weekend. Falafel satisfying any craving for salt I may have. And its not the same without a yogurt cucumber sauce which I make with no frill. Yogurt and cucumber in blender = creamy, cool delicious sauce that mates perfectly with salty, warm, crisp falafel.

Smell (White tea lavender spray)

Some people really hate air freshener in a can. Me, I always have some around the apartment. I love coming on to a clean, sweet smell. Smell really affects my mood and my thought. Sometimes my memory is struck and my mind is overwhelmed with thoughts. Other times I walk in a room and smell something comforting, and it immediately puts me at ease. The smell could be horrible and I want to turn around and walk back out of the room. Another interesting thing about smell is how different it is for everyone. Like I said, although everyone enjoys a good smell, not everyone like air freshener. My air freshener is nice because is not to over powering. I can spray it all over the apartment and enjoy subtle flower smell.

Hear (Joanna Newsom – The Book of Right On)

Joanna’s voice is something special. It took me awhile to get into it, but once I started to grow fond, I was in love. It’s so unique and different from any voice out there, which is very difficult to achieve. So many people have such similar voices, but when you hear Joanna Newsom, you know it’s her. The high pitch, almost whiney voice sounds like a young child at first, but once you listen more and hear the strength behind it you recognize its power. ‘The book of right on’ was one of those songs that at first sounded awkward and difficult to enjoy, but after a few listens I really liked it. The way words roll of her tongue is quite amazing. “I killed my dinner with karate. Kick em in the face, taste the body. Shallow work is the work that I do”. Brilliant. I don’t even know what she means, but how she sings it makes me love it.

Feel (Scarf)

I have great appreciation for scarves. They are quite stylish yet highly functional. This particular scarf is really nice. My grandmother made for me with thick purple yarn. She made it extra long so I could wrap around my neck multiple times which comes in handy one the bitter Iowa winter days. The yarn is super soft and fluffy; perfect for wrapping around my neck and face to counter harsh winds. My scarf collection has grown quite a bit in the past year for two reasons. One my grandma picked up the hobby of knitting and enjoys making me them. Secondly, as my grandma has given me more scarves I’ve been on the look out for more. I don’t buy clothing often, but scarves are an exception. I love the variety in color, material, and design.

See (Sky/Skyline)

The sky was beautiful today. It was a blue and pink color with clouds that were stretched and smeared across it. It was the kind of sky where everything that intrudes into it creating a skyline looks ten times more amazing than it would by itself. For example, as I was walking and enjoying the colors of the sky, and noticed a church steeples. Sure church steeples can be beautiful all on their own, but with the sky providing a striking background, the steeple was something to be admired. It’s black silhouette was bold and strong, but the sky was soft and serene. I think it was something about that opposition that really had be awe struck. This has been happening a lot actually. Ill look at something that I’ve see many times before and was never struck by, but am taken by how different and beautiful it looks. I don’t know why it happens, nor do I really care to find out. I love it. Unfortunately I wasn’t carrying my camera to document the amazing sight.


Hear (MGMT – Time to Pretend)

This song is so direct with its lyrics, and easily relatable. I think being relatable is one of the best things a song can do. Finding a connection with a song always makes it that much better. “I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms. I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world. I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home. Yeah I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.” What college kid away from home, thinking of their future, and constantly working on school related things cant relate?! At the same time, they are excepting the idea that life goes on and living an ordinary life isn’t bad, they bash the fake world of appearances, money, and fame. I love it. MGMT got my attention when I saw their name paired with Of Montreal on tour. I did some research, thought their background was interesting, and fell in love with the space-rock, synthesizer-ridden tunes.

Taste (Red Lentil Curry salad)

This is another meal I picked up at the Co-op due to my grocery boycott. I get this one quite often. Actually, I’ve been doing this for a while and I get a lot of them fairly often and am slowly wearing myself out on all of the choices. Perhaps over break I will buy some groceries so I don’t waste too much money on food. I do miss cooking too. However, letting the co-op do the cooking always promises for a tasty meal. I tend to be better about eating balanced meals when I buy my meals separate, but I suppose I could make that a goal to do on my own. I’ll make a list (I like making lists) and be sure to cover each food group, try not to buy to little, try not to buy too much and see how it goes. My thoughts totally just wandered. I’m supposed to be reflecting on my awareness of how my senses are being affected. Hmmm, lets see. Tastes salty yet sweet (that’s always a good combo in my book). I can taste a hint of coconut milk, which I’m also a big fan of, hence, my love for Thai food. The texture is nice as well, soft but the edamamne gives it a good crunch.

Smell (Coconut-lime body spray)

I have a large bag of old body sprays and lotions that I don’t get into often. Tonight before leaving my apartment for class I decided to dig around in it and try a scent I haven’t used in awhile. I found coconut-lime spray that my grandma gave to me two Christmas’s ago. The smell a little to sweet, but I enjoy it because as I mentioned in my response to taste I’m fond of coconut. I’m even more fond of this scent because of the memories behind it. The Christmas my grandma gave it to me was the last Christmas my grandpa was with us for. Luckily we knew of his illness while before it took him and were given the chance to spend a wonderful year cherishing our time with him. Oh the things scents can remind us of.

Feel (Neck pain)

So I’ve been sick for awhile now. Nothing bad, just a cold. However, along with the annoying stuffy nose and gross cough, I have horrible neck pains! I don’t know if its associated with the cold because it seems to be the pain you get when you sleep on your neck wrong. I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and adjust my pillow 3 or 4 times. Maybe its my pillow? But it never caused problems before, odd. Anyways, I can’t turn my head to far to left without making a funny face of pain. I can’t look up either. So annoying! Not to mention the mild headaches it causes.

See (Helping Strangers – Paying it Forward)

You know those insurance company commercials where somebody sees a person helping another, then they go help someone, then someone who saw them helping goes and helps somebody? (wow that’s difficult to explain…). Well I saw something similar to that today. I was getting a coffee and noticed a little boy who couldn’t have been much older than 10 opening a door to for a little old lady using a walker. It made me think of the commercials because it really touched me to see someone so young being thoughtful, and made me want to go out and find someone to help. I actually really like the idea of those commercials and the thought of “pay it forward”. Pay it forward is a book made into a movie. The book is based on the concept of ‘paying it forward’. Paying it forward meanings to find something that needs help or change and take action. In return for you good deeds, ask those who receive them to pay it forward by doing the same for other people. The root of the idea is that the world can see great changes if people take action and other people respond to this action by doing the same. I’m learning I need to carry my camera with me everywhere and have it ready to go if I want to photo all of these things. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to capture this scene either.


Taste (Green Tea with Honey)

Nearly every food product has an organic version these days. There seems to be a growing concern for health benefits from the food you eat. Which I think would explain the growing popularity of green tea. It’s everywhere! Gas stations, restaurants, vending machines, grocery stores; and at all of these places they only have good things to say about green tea. I found my favorite green tea at the Asian market. Sure added sugar takes away from the health aspects of it all, but something about honey takes away all the guilt that sweetness ensues. Besides the sweetness is very subtle and only makes the flavor of green tea stand out a little more. Anyhow, this tea is delicious iced. I’ve been an avid buyer for about a year now actually. Last winter I had a cold, and drank water and green tea with honey, ate healthy, and my cold only lasted a few days, where as my colds usually take forever to kick. In conclusion, this tea is amazing and I will endorse it to the day I day.

Feel (Purple Passion Plant)

Before leaving for college my mom, who has quite the green thumb, gave me a purple passion plant. She always had tons of them around the house when I was growing up. I remember she started with one stem and a leaf that she put in a mason jar with water. After the roots started to grow she planted it and from then on shes had purple passion plants galore. After one got big enough, she would cut a stem off, and start it a glass of water as she did before, plant it, let it grow, and cut another stem off. I’ve struggled with mine, as I don’t have the green thumb she does, but nonetheless I’ve kept it alive. I chose it for my feel reflection because of its velvety texture. The leaves are covered in a soft purple fur that tricks the eye. In a dark room the plant appears to be dark green leaves, but when the light hits it, the deep beautiful purple shows. The plant is really resilient and easy to take care of so it can stand my constant petting of the soft leaves. I love the plant almost as much as my mom. Many friends have come over and been interested in the plant, which I would then tell my mom “so and so came over and really liked the purple passion”. A week later she would call me and meet me in Iowa city for dinner with purple passion starter stem in hand for my friend. This got off topic of how the plant feels, but it holds to much sentiment to not reflect on what it truly means to me.

Smell (Old Books)

Everyone knows the smell of an old dusty book. Whether you like it or not, you know the smell. I recently received a gift certificate to Northside Bookstore where I often spend Saturday afternoons browsing, at least when I’m not at work or trying to get homework done. I prefer the used book store to Barnes and Noble or Prairie Lights, for many reasons one of them being the smell. The smell of an old used book adds to the character and experience of reading a book for me. The smell is one of dusty paper that is almost suffocating if its too much, just like too much dust would take your breathe away. But when its subtle, for me, it adds to the reading experience. There’s something about knowing what your reading has been in others hands, contemplated, marked in, and admired by many other people. As opposed to the clean, packaged book that feels disconnected from any human contact. For me it feels harder to connect to, I know the actual work of writing is what I should connect to, but for some reason knowing that the book has a history with other people, makes it much easier to sit down and relate to. I often wonder what other people have thought of after reading certain lines, how they interpret different aspects of the plot, how literary techniques affected their reading.

See (Friends Plant)

My mind works in a funny way. I’m always searching for a connection with things. Nearly everything I encounter I search for a memory or an experience that somehow relates me to this new thing. Even if the connection is simple and subtle like connecting something I thought of earlier in the day to something I saw later in the evening. Connections and relations are great things. I think most people would be surprised at how many connections they can make in a day if they really look for them. Anyhow today after waking up and cleaning my apartment a bit I watered my purple passion plant and wrote my reflection for my sense of touch. Later this afternoon I visited a friend who had received a starter plant from my mom. I was amazed at how much his has grown. Like I said I don’t have much of a green thumb, but my friend definitely did. Big, thick stems and plush purple leaves overtook the orange ceramic pot he had it in. He actually had two because he did his own starter after the first got too big. It made me so happy to see how much care he had taken for it and that it really meant something to him. Because the plant means a lot to me as my best friend, my mom gave it to me. Even if it means something different to him, it’s a connection. A mutual care for a simple object.

Hear (Glen Hansard – Fallen From the Sky)

Simplicity at its best! Glen Hansard’s voice is smooth, soft, and melodic. Definitely some easy listening, with nice lyrics. The lyrics are composed thoughtfully, using repetition and rhyme the song is catchy and enjoyable. I like the consistent beat/tune that doesn’t change much and how progression is shown through slight fluctuations in voice. The song sounds kinda playful; perhaps that’s what makes it so catchy. I think I would have liked it when I was young, I like it now, I think I may even like it into my older years. Glen Hansard is part of The Frames who also stick to simplistic styles allowing the smaller, fine tuned aspects of their music really shine through. I especially like their take on Joy Divisions “Love Will Tear Us Apart Again”. Glen’s voice is a good match for the monotone, smooth sounding song. My respect for Glen Hansard only increased when I heard him redo Justin Timberlakes “Cry me a river”. He makes the song quite enjoyable.

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